Democrats privately fear House prospects worsening!

on . Posted in Election 2010

WASHINGTON - August 25, 2010 - Top Democrats are growing markedly more pessimistic about holding the House; privately conceding that the summertime economic and political recovery they were banking on will not likely materialize by Election Day.

Democrats look to benefit from GOP civil war!

on . Posted in Election 2010

WASHINGTON - August 25, 2010 - A Republican civil war is raging, with righter-than-thou conservatives dominating ever more primaries in a fight for the party's soul; and the Democrats hope to benefit.

The latest examples of conservative insurgents' clout came Tuesday at opposite ends of the country. In Florida, political newcomer Rick Scott beat longtime congressman and state Attorney General Bill McCollum for the GOP gubernatorial nomination. In Alaska, Tea Party activists and Sarah Palin pushed Senator Lisa Murkowski to the brink of defeat, depending on absentee ballot counts in her race against outsider Joe Miller.

What to watch in Tuesday's primaries!

on . Posted in Election 2010

NEW YORK - August 24, 2010 - Five states - Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Oklahoma and Vermont - go to the polls Tuesday, but only three of them can point to primary elections that are being closely monitored by a national audience.

Democratic convention will feature roll-call vote!

on . Posted in Election 2008

DENVER, Colorado - August 14, 2008 - Hillary Clinton will have her name placed in nomination at this month's Democratic National Convention in what presumptive nominee Barack Obama's campaign says is a "show of unity" designed to allow Clinton's supporters to have their voice heard before getting behind his campaign.

Obama’s eligibility for the presidency being questioned!

on . Posted in Election 2008

Eligibility hinges on American citizenship

WASHINGTON - August 8, 2008 - Israel Insider is reporting that analysts working separately have determined the birth certificate posted on the Daily Kos website and later on Sen. Barack Obama's "Fight the Smears" campaign website is fraudulent, and now two different actions have been launched to try and obtain the truth about the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee's birth.

An American soldier speaks out about Barack Obama!

on . Posted in Election 2008

BAGRAM, Afghanistan - August 6, 2008 - I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram, Afghanistan, for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I want to share with you what happened.

Ron Paul winning more straw polls!

on . Posted in Election 2008

August 25, 2007 - The Ron Paul campaign website carries a release focusing on the candidate's little noted (by the mainstream press) success in GOP straw polls over the last few months.

Coming off the Iowa Straw Poll the momentum for the Ron Paul 2008 campaign continues to build. Congressman Ron Paul has finished in the top 5 in 16 of the last 17 straw polls and can claim 1st place victories in New Hampshire, North Carolina, Washington, and Alabama.

In comparing results head-to-head, Congressman Paul has blown away most of the field, defeating Rudy Giuliani in 15 of the 17 polls and John McCain in 15 of the 16 polls.

Ron Paul wins Washington straw poll!

on . Posted in Election 2008

ARLINGTON, Virginia - August 22, 2007 - Representative Ron Paul won the South Sound Ronald Reagan Republican Club's straw poll last night in Snohomish County, Washington. Dr. Paul received 30 percent of the vote, beating out Fred Thompson who garnered 27 percent.

The victory continues a string of straw poll successes for Dr. Paul. In the past week, the Republican congressman and OB doctor won contests in North Carolina, New Hampshire and Alabama.

"Our campaign is growing by the day and continues to build momentum," said campaign manager Lew Moore. "This victory demonstrates strong grassroots support in the important state of Washington."

Ron Paul wins big in Alabama and New Hampshire!

on . Posted in Election 2008

ARLINGTON, Virginia - August 18, 2007 - Representative Ron Paul handily won two Republican presidential straw polls today.

The first contest, sponsored by the West Alabama Republican Assembly, was held in Tuscaloosa at the University of Alabama. Dr. Paul garnered 216 of 266 votes, or 81 percent. Mitt Romney placed second with 14 votes, or 5 percent.

The second straw vote, sponsored by the Strafford County Republican Party in New Hampshire, was attended by fellow candidates Mike Huckabee and Tom Tancredo. Dr. Paul received 208 of 286 votes, or 73 percent. Mitt Romney finished second with 26 votes, or 9 percent. Huckabee and Tancredo received 20 votes and 8 votes respectively.

"Our campaign is growing by the day and continues to build momentum," said campaign manager Lew Moore. "Today's victories demonstrate Dr. Paul's tremendous grassroots support across the country."

Dr. Paul is no stranger to this type of success. The campaign recently won three straw polls sponsored by the Coalition for New Hampshire Taxpayers, FreedomWorks and the Republican Party of Gaston County, North Carolina.

Ron Paul wins Republican debate!

on . Posted in Election 2008

August 6, 2007 - Ron Paul again wins the Republican debate, according to an unscientific poll of those who voted on the ABC-TV site during and after yesterday's debate. Here is the question and the totals at 7 AM EST, August 6, 2007.

Who do you think won the Republican debate?

Ron Paul 28,007

Mitt Romney 3,724

Rudy Giuliani 2,840

Nobody won. I'm voting Democratic. 2,671

Nobody. I'm waiting for Fred Thompson or Newt Gingrich to enter the race. 2,568

Mike Huckabee 2,350

Sam Brownback 992

Tom Tancredo 662

John McCain 630

Tommy Thompson 388

Duncan Hunter 373

Ron Paul draws 600 to rally in Fairfield, Iowa!

on . Posted in Election 2008

DES MOINES, Iowa - August 6, 2007 - The Ron Paul presidential campaign held a rally in Fairfield, Iowa last night that drew approximately 600 people. Attendees heard Dr. Paul talk about his platform for freedom, peace and prosperity.

Fairfield is a town with 10,000 residents about two hours from Des Moines. The event was organized in less than a week, and held on Sunday evening at 8:00 pm. The crowd was very friendly, and Dr. Paul received several standing ovations.

"The Ron Paul campaign continues to build momentum and turn out large, excited crowds," said campaign spokesman Jesse Benton. "We are excited to continue introducing Dr. Paul to the citizens of Iowa and spreading his message of liberty."

Ron Paul campaign calms expectations

on . Posted in Election 2008

With Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) finishing as low as two percent or less in presidential polls, sources close to the Ron Paul campaign say that as soon as the numbers tick above two or three percent, the "Ron Paul effect" can be said to be engaged.

This is because the differential between Paul's Internet presence and national polls is significant and because, even locally, the established GOP is not apt to encourage or endorse Ron Paul's classical liberal views. Thus, without the larger coalition that Ron Paul has put together of those who do not share hard core "conservative Republican values," Ron Paul will not do especially well in Iowa.

However, if the coalition he has built, and which is evident and effective on the Internet manages to make itself heard in Iowa, Ron Paul's numbers could rise modestly, or even strongly. Sources say that the Iowa GOP is on its guard against this phenomenon and has taken to warning that all voters' ID will be checked carefully to ensure that voters are indeed from Iowa. Nonetheless, Ron Paul campaign staffers are hoping that Ron Paul's crossover candidacy pulls enough libertarian republican voters, democrats, independents and even greens so that a significant result can be achieved in the Iowa polls.

Says one source, "Staffers working for Ron Paul understand that this is the time to turn Internet support into real votes. They are emphasizing that it is not enough to register support on the Internet. Real life action is needed."

Wired Magazine recently put it this way:

"The question this weekend is whether the decentralized passion and organizational ability that his supporters have demonstrated online will translate into political action that will build the candidate's political capital in the offline world. The crucial event for some Republicans this Saturday is the straw poll in Ames, Iowa, where up to 40,000 people are expected to show up. State Republican Party officials hold the all-day, county fair-like event in years when there's no incumbent Republican president, and it's widely viewed as a political thresher that culls weaker candidates from the presidential race."

Giuliani's Iowa stealth campaign

on . Posted in Election 2008

GOP presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani has said he is not focusing on the upcoming Iowa straw poll, yet sources "on the ground" in Iowa claim that his operatives are battling hard to gain traction in tomorrow's straw poll nonetheless.

The "name of the game," according to these sources, is managing expectations. Giuliani was recently seen to be struggling in the polls, the object of some controversy over his claims about 9/11, his bellicose attitude toward foreign intervention and also his affiliation to a controversial law firm pursuing a mid-America "superhighway." Thus a decision was likely made to de-emphasize the Iowa straw poll.

In doing so, Giuliani diminished expectations that he would finish well, and this in turn allowed his campaign the ability to push hard in Iowa, knowing that even a fairly low place finish could be "spun" into a momentum builder.

Accordingly, the Giuliani campaign will have reportedly have a tent, is said to have purchased tickets for supporters and is focused on energetic outreach on behalf of the quasi-absent candidate.

ABC changes debate tally after Ron Paul win!

on . Posted in Election 2008

August 5, 2007 - ABC TV apparently reset its tally of who won the Republican debate it broadcast on August 5, Sunday morning.

At 10 AM EST, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Tex) was winning the debate with over 1,000 votes. Mitt Romney was next with 106. After the debate at approximately 11:10 AM EST when the tally was rechecked, ABC showed Ron Paul had just 445 votes. Second was “Nobody Won. I’m Voting Democratic.”

Of course, it could all be an innocent glitch, and perhaps ABC will explain these tallies or see fit to rectify them. But it has long been FMNN’s contention, along with others, that Ron Paul, an old fashioned Jeffersonian conservative, would serve as a metaphor and magnifying glass for America’s current political difficulties and expanding corruption.

The debate itself was apparently little promoted. In fact, ABC marketed the debate so shallowly that didn’t seem to carry a blurb about it on its front page, and neither did Google News.

To set the stage for the debate, ABC moderators began with polling numbers that showed Ron Paul at just two percent, yet the numbers on the ABC website, at 10 AM EST and again at the end of the debate (before the tally was reduced), showed him winning the debate, as he has before, by a wide margin.

A search of Internet sites revealed some confusion about the debates times and where it was airing. Posted one confused would-be viewer: "What a bizarre time to hold a debate and what a screwy format for a debate. It won’t air in my area until 11:00 am."

Ron Paul will likely win the online debate poll by large numbers in any case. But changing poll numbers always generates questions. ABC is believed to have manipulated its comment boards before as regards Ron Paul.

Iowa straw poll to use inaccurate Diebold electronic voting machines!

on . Posted in Election 2008

August 3, 2007 - A letter has been issued by Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, National Ron Paul Supporters Meetup, Restore the Republic, and We the People Congress regarding the use of Diebold voting machines in the Iowa primaries.

The letter reads as follows:

Everything we are all doing is going to be brought to NAUGHT if the Diebold computers - being used to 'count' the votes at the Iowa Straw Poll - are used to STEAL the Straw Poll Election.

Food prices post biggest rise since 1990!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

WASHINGTON - August 21, 2008 - U.S. consumers should brace for the biggest increase in food prices in nearly 20 years in 2008 and even more pain next year due to surging meat and produce prices, the Agriculture Department said on Wednesday.

Bleak outlook from Bank of Japan!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

TOKYO, Japan - August 19, 2008 - The Bank of Japan delivered its bleakest assessment of the economy since the Asian financial crisis of 1997 and 1998 in a sign that a global slump ignited by the tight credit market in the United States might be spreading too quickly for Japan to avert recession.

Cookie maker Mrs. Fields to file for bankruptcy!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - August 15, 2008 - Cookie retailer Mrs. Fields Famous Brands LLC said on Friday it plans to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to help restructure its business, according to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filing.

Europe teeters on the brink of recession!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

BRUSSELS, Belgium - August 14, 2008 - Europe today edged closer to recession for the first time since the single currency was introduced in 1999, after the economy shrank by 0.2 per cent during the second quarter.

FDIC fund strained by bank failures!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - August 11, 2008 - The failure of IndyMac Bancorp, Inc. and seven other banks this year may erase as much as 17 percent of a government insurance fund and raise premiums for all banks, from Franklin National of Minneapolis to Bank of America Corp.

Musical Parody: "Road to Depression"

on . Posted in Road to Depression



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Road to Depression
(to the tune of “Road to Morocco”)
by Brent-Emory..Johnson

We’re off on the road to Depression
Where is it, it’s just south of Hell
Where poverty and sickness
Are a way of life
We’ve lost our inspiration
All we have left is strife
Our economic ship has run aground
Like a nation that’s gone bankrupt
We’re Depression-bound!

We’re travelin’ the road to starvation
Just moving as fast as we can
When the truckers who deliver
All our food and drink and more
Stop truckin’ due to high fuel costs
Oh, it will make us sore
‘Cause the shelves will all be empty
At the supermarket store
If we don’t stop fooling around
Then our children will go hungry
We’re Depression-bound!

We’re walking a path of destruction
Our country is going down for good
For years we’ve lived beyond our means
But now our debts are due
It’s time to pay the piper
Who so long supported you
If you listen you can hear the sound
Of America collapsing
We’re Depression-bound!

We’re making our way to extinction
There isn’t so much left for us to do
Our businesses have closed their doors
The manufactories
Have shut down operations
And moved them overseas
The king of despair has been crowned
He has wrapped us in his arms
Oh, we’re Depression-bound!

We’re off on the road to Depression
It isn’t a smooth running ride
Our hopes and dreams have gone away
We have no more time for those
Survival is at stake now
That’s just the way life goes
When our government controls us all
Tyranny then grows
If we ever hope to rebound
We’d better reverse course ‘cause
We’re Depression-bound!

We’re keeping the home fires burning
Each day is much harder than the last
There still remain a vaunted few
Who tirelessly aspire
To help restore our way of life
To standards that are higher
All that we’ve lost must be found
If we’re ever gonna fix this
We’re Depression-bound!

Credit unions hit by mortgage-market problems!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - August 11, 2008 - Five of North America's largest credit unions are reporting big paper losses on mortgage-related securities, a sign that housing-market distress is spreading even to the most risk-averse financial sectors, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) said on Monday.

Impact of Bush stimulus checks at an end!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - August 7, 2008 - Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer, reported July sales at stores open a year or more rose 3%, short of analysts' expectation that sales would grow 3.4%. Wal-Mart shares fell over 5%.

More retail store closings!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

  • Ann Taylor is closing 117 stores nationwide.
  • Eddie Bauer will close more stores after closing 27 stores in the first quarter.
  • Cache, a women’s retailer, is closing 20 to 23 stores this year.
  • Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug, Catherines are closing 150 stores nationwide.
  • Talbots, J. Jill are closing stores. Talbots will close all 78 of its kids and men's stores plus another 22 underperforming stores. The 22 stores will be a mix of Talbots women's and J. Jill.
  • Gap Inc. is closing 85 stores.
  • Foot Locker will close 140 stores.
  • Wickes Furniture is going out of business and closing all of its stores. The 37-year-old retailer that targets middle-income customers, filed for bankruptcy protection last month.
  • Levitz, the furniture retailer, announced it was going out of business and closing all 76 of its stores in December. The retailer dates back to 1910.
  • Zales, Piercing Pagoda plan to close 82 stores by July 31 followed by closing another 23 underperforming stores.
  • Disney Store owner has the right to close 98 stores.
  • Home Depot is closing 15 more stores amid a slumping U.S. economy and housing market. The move will affect 1,300 employees. It is the first time the world's largest home improvement store chain has ever closed a flagship store.
  • CompUSA (CLOSED).
  • Macy's has closed 9 stores.
  • Movie Gallery video rental company plans to close 400 of 3,500 Movie Gallery and Hollywood Video stores in addition to the 520 locations the video rental chain closed last fall as part of bankruptcy.
  • Pacific Sunwear is closing 153 Demo stores.
  • Pep Boys, auto parts supplier, is closing 33 stores.
  • Sprint Nextel is closing 125 retail locations, with 4,000 employees following 5,000 layoffs last year.
  • J. C. Penney, Lowe's and Office Depot are all scaling back.
  • Ethan Allen Interiors plans to close 12 of 300 stores to cut costs.
  • Wilsons the Leather Experts is closing 158 stores.
  • Bombay Company will close all 384 U.S.-based Bombay Company stores.
  • Dillard's Inc. will close another six stores this year.

Big retailers at risk of store closings!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - August 4, 2008 - Wall Street takes a look at 8 larger retailers that are in real trouble. Some are at risk for bankruptcy and each of them could have to cut operations so much that their revenue would be a fraction of what it is now.

New York seeking to sell off roads, bridges and tunnels!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

ALBANY, New York - July 30, 2008 - Warning of an approaching economic calamity, Gov. Paterson yesterday called an emergency session of the state Legislature - and raised the specter that New York may have to sell off roads, bridges and tunnels to close a massive budget deficit.

Bennigan’s restaurants shut down nationwide!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

CHICAGO, Illinois - July 29, 2008 - Customers showing up for lunch at Bennigan's restaurants in Chicago and across the country found quite a surprise Tuesday morning, when all the corporate-owned locations had signs on display reading "closed for business."

Depression-era clothing coming back in style!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - July 28, 2008 - The duds say it all - and it's depressing.

Taking a cue from the grim economy, this fall's fashions at Banana Republic, Gap and H&M are featuring a distinctly Depression-era trend of cloche hats, pencil skirts, conductor caps and baggy, vintage-style dresses.

U.S. regulators seize two more banks!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

WASHINGTON - July 28, 2008 - U.S. regulators took over two banks on Friday and sold them to Mutual of Omaha Bank, the sixth and seventh bank failures this year as financial institutions struggle with a housing bust and credit crunch.

Speculators are trying to buy control of food supply!

on . Posted in Road to Depression

NEW YORK - July 28, 2008 - According to The New York Times, Financial Times, and other noteworthy publications, hedge funds and other investors are buying up farms, farmland, fertilizer, grain elevators, shipping equipment and other necessities for producing food.

Ukraine says Russian forces cross border in tanks and armored vehicles!

on . Posted in Patriot News Network

KIEV, Ukraine (PNN) - August 25, 2014 - An apparent incursion of tanks and person­nel carriers into southeastern Ukraine on Monday, one day before a high-stakes summit, demonstrated just how difficult it will be for Ukraine to reestablish control over its own territory.

Even as Russian-backed separatists are losing ground on the battlefield, provocations launched from the Russian side of the two countries’ long border remain a constant threat.

Scotland is about to vote on whether to leave Great Britain!

on . Posted in Patriot News Network

EDINBOROUGH, Scotland (PNN) - August 25, 2014 - Scotland's referendum on independence - a vote to decide whether Scotland should stay in the United Kingdom or secede - is less than one month away. The political leaders of each side will participate in the last televised debate before the Sept. 18 referendum on Monday night. Here's what you need to know.


Eulogy for an Angel
1992-Dec. 20, 2005


Freedom sm

My Father

brents dad

Dr. Stan Dale

stan dale


L Neil Smith

A. Solzhenitsyn


Patrick McGoohan


Joseph A. Stack

Bill Walsh

Walter Cronkite

Eustace Mullins

Paul Harvey

Don Harkins

Joan Veon

David Nolan

Derry Brownfield

Leroy Schweitzer

Vaclav Havel

Andrew Breitbart

Dick Clark

Bob Chapman

Ray Bradbury

Tommy Cryer

Andy Griffith

Phyllis Diller

Larry Dever

Brian J. Chapman

Annette Funnicello

Margaret Thatcher

Richie Havens

Jack McLamb

James Traficant

jim traficant

Dr. Stan Monteith

stan montieth

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy

Stan Solomon

Stan Solomon

B. B. King

BB King

Irwin Schiff

Irwin Schiff


David Bowie

Muhammad Ali

Muhammed Ali


gene wilder

phyllis schlafly

phylis schafly

John Glenn

John Glenn

Charles Weisman

Charles Weisman

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds

Roger Moore

Roger Moore

Adam West

Adam West


jerry lewis


Hugh Hefner


Hugh Hefner 


Art Bell


dwight clark


Carl Miller


Harlan Ellison


stan lee


Carl Reiner


dwight clark


L Neil Smith


L Neil Smith