Democrats privately fear House prospects worsening!

on .

Democrats look to benefit from GOP civil war!

on .

What to watch in Tuesday's primaries!

on .

Touch screen voting machine hacked without breaking seals!

on .

Democratic convention will feature roll-call vote!

on .

Ron Paul's wife in serious condition at hospital!

on .

Cindy Sheehan qualifies to run for Pelosi's seat!

on .

Obama’s eligibility for the presidency being questioned!

on .

Video: Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty!

on .

An American soldier speaks out about Barack Obama!

on .

Ron Paul winning more straw polls!

on .

Ron Paul wins Washington straw poll!

on .

Ron Paul wins big in Alabama and New Hampshire!

on .

Ron Paul wins Republican debate!

on .

Ron Paul draws 600 to rally in Fairfield, Iowa!

on .

Ron Paul campaign calms expectations

on .

Giuliani's Iowa stealth campaign

on .

ABC changes debate tally after Ron Paul win!

on .

Iowa straw poll to use inaccurate Diebold electronic voting machines!

on .

Food prices post biggest rise since 1990!

on .

Bleak outlook from Bank of Japan!

on .

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: Sharp U.S. money supply contraction points to Wall Street crunch ahead!

on .

IMF chief warns that credit crunch may take out large U.S. bank!

on .

U.S. Mint suspends sales of American Eagle gold coins!

on .

Breaking up of big banks discussed as losses mount!

on .

Cookie maker Mrs. Fields to file for bankruptcy!

on .

Europe teeters on the brink of recession!

on .

U.S. foreclosures rise 55% while bank seizures reach new high!

on .

Foreclosure of 88-year-old woman’s home leads to police standoff!

on .

FDIC fund strained by bank failures!

on .

Musical Parody: "Road to Depression"

on .

Federal Reserve reports deepening credit crisis!

on .

Credit unions hit by mortgage-market problems!

on .

UK economy deteriorating faster than previously thought!

on .

Impact of Bush stimulus checks at an end!

on .

More retail store closings!

on .

Big retailers at risk of store closings!

on .

June shows biggest price increases in 30 years!

on .

First Priority becomes eighth bank failure this year!

on .

FDIC warns four U.S. banks over liquidity!

on .

New York seeking to sell off roads, bridges and tunnels!

on .

Monetary steps not seen since 1929 Great Depression!

on .

Bennigan’s restaurants shut down nationwide!

on .

Depression-era clothing coming back in style!

on .

U.S. regulators seize two more banks!

on .

Speculators are trying to buy control of food supply!

on .

White House thinks executive amnesty for 5 million invaders is no big deal!

on .

Ukraine says Russian forces cross border in tanks and armored vehicles!

on .

Texas border deployment of 1,000 National Guard now underway!

on .

Scotland is about to vote on whether to leave Great Britain!

on .

Poll shows increase in support for Ferguson pig thug cops!

on .

Kalifornia gun waiting period ruled unconstitutional!

on .

IRS enforcement agent numbers could drop to lowest levels since 1970s!

on .

FPSA furious after source of mystery Libya bombing raids revealed!

on .

Federal attorney says backup exists of Lois Lerner emails!

on .

Hungary PM says Europe shot itself in foot with Russia sanctions!

on .

Governor Rick Perry indicted for coercion!

on .

Cop who murdered Michael Brown didn't know he was a robbery suspect!

on .

State takes away control of security from Ferguson terrorist pig thug cops!

on .

State cops bring calmer attitude to Ferguson protests!

on .

Snowden says lies pushed him over the edge!

on .

Court sides with NSA in surveillance lawsuit!

on .

Commentary: What If Democracy Is a Fraud?

on .

Ex-CIA pilot gives sworn testimony that no planes hit the Twin Towers!

on .

Top Islamic militant found alive two years after FPSA jubilantly declared his death!

on .

Putin signs historic $20 billion oil deal with Iran to bypass Western sanctions!

on .

Government claims new leaker is disclosing FPSA secrets!

on .

Russia calls for emergency UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine!

on .

Former NSA director sold classified info for a million dollars per month!

on .

Ukraine antiwar movement grows!

on .

Terrorist Israel illegally converts almost half of Gaza land into military buffer zone!

on .

Caution thrown to wind as WikiLeaks breaks gag order!

on .

FPSA senators push for lethal military aid to Ukraine!

on .

Russia prepares to unleash retaliatory trade wars!

on .

DC Court stays implementation of overturn of ban on carrying handguns!

on .

Netanyahu warns of prolonged conflict in Gaza!

on .

Chechnya leader puts sanctions on Obama and EU officials!

on .

FPSA evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli!

on .

European court finds CIA illegally tortured prisoners at Polish black site!

on .

Ukrainian prime minister resigns!

on .

State of Texas has shut down its border with Mexico!

on .

More lying by the IRS before Congress and the courts!

on .

Syrians in Ghouta claim Saudi supplied rebels behind chemical attack!

on .

Russian and China walk out of UNSC meeting after FPSA calls for immediate action in Syria!

on .

First draft of Articles of Impeachment arrives!

on .

FPSA says Syria strike due in days!

on .

Totalitarian NATO members could act against Syria without UN mandate!

on .

Syria intervention even less popular than Congress!

on .

Syria and Iran issue explicit warning to Israel if FPSA attacks!

on .

Russia warns FPSA against Syria attack!

on .

Dictator Obama backs terrorist Muslim Brotherhood!

on .

ADL orders YouTube to disable Press TV account!

on .

Arizona and Kansas sue FPSA over voter registration laws!

on .

China Communist Party warns members to stomp out ideas of universal rights!

on .

Obama regime asks Supreme Court to allow warrantless cell phone searches!

on .

Hosni Mubarak may be freed!

on .

Dictator Obama targets your FedEx and UPS packages!

on .

Federal thugs threaten to arrest Lavabit founder for shutting down service!

on .

Intelligence committee withheld key file before critical NSA vote!

on .

NSA Eavesdropped on FPSA Supreme Court!

on .

Edward Snowden speaks to Peter Maass!

on .

North Carolina governor signs extensive Voter ID law!

on .

Kim Dotcom is building a super secure encrypted email service!

on .

Justice Department seeks to curtail stiff drug sentences!

on .

Sudden flood of asylum requests at FPSA/Mexico border!

on .

FPSA military caught running mass propaganda accounts on social media!

on .

Obama regime asserts broad surveillance powers!

on .

Number of Amerikans giving up passports jumps sixfold as tougher rules loom!

on .

New scrutiny and fines for hospitals that treat uninsured people!

on .

Obama scraps planned Putin summit over asylum for Snowden!

on .

FPSA officials say NSA leaks may hamper cyber policy debate!

on .

FPSA uses drone strikes to murder people in Yemen!

on .

Tens of thousands join Tunisian protest!

on .

Gunman opens fire on town hall meeting!

on .

Fascist TSA unlawfully expands duties beyond airport security!

on .

Italy Supreme Court upholds Berlusconi jail sentence!

on .

Ex-Goldman banker found liable in billion dollar fraud case!

on .

Obama funding Syrian rebels that are beheading Christians!

on .

Thousands stage anti-government demo in Peru!

on .

Snowden walks free in Russia to FPSA anger!

on .

Abbas says not a single Israeli in future Palestinian state!

on .

Sessions says GOP elite view on immigration is nonsense!

on .

Senate confirms Comey to be next FBI director!

on .

Treasury's Lew says Congress needs to pass debt limit!

on .

Halliburton pleads guilty to destroying Gulf spill evidence!

on .

Afghanistan audits reveal billions in FPSA taxpayer waste!

on .

Bill introduced in Congress to force Amerikans to use smart meters!

on .

FPSA drone strikes murder 17 in North Waziristan!

on .

GOP chairman and former congressmen could face jail time!

on .

Americas bloc calls emergency meeting over illegal FUK threats!

on .

Australia expects Amerikan Gestapo to charge Assange!

on .

German military empowered!

on .

Amerikan Gestapo refuses to recognize diplomatic asylum!

on .

Syrian rebels warn they will turn to al Qaeda if West fails them!

on .

Southern Poverty Law Center gave gunman a license to kill!

on .

TSA investigated for racial profiling!

on .

Cops injured, cars torched and school burnt in French riots!

on .

Julian Assange to be given asylum in Ecuador!

on .

Criminal judge throws out Muslim spying lawsuit against FBI!

on .

Fast and Furious was about supporting illegal drug trade!

on .

Majority of Amerikans favor repeal of ObamaCare!

on .

Fascist cities uses facial recognition surveillance systems!

on .

Egyptian President ousts military leaders!

on .

Venezuela arrests and detains former FPSA Marine!

on .

Mississippi county accused of running school-to-prison pipeline!

on .

Notorious firm Blackwater pays millions to escape criminal prosecution!

on .

Lawless court gives government go-ahead for illegal wiretaps!

on .

Dictator Obama fights ban on indefinite detention of Amerikans!

on .

Social Security not deal it once was for workers!

on .

Texas to execute mentally disabled prisoner!

on .

Iran TV airs confessions in murder of scientists!

on .

Military training helicopters rattle parts of city!

on .

Fascist government targets anarchists!

on .

Woman dies after abortion at Planned Parenthood!

on .

Belarus air intruders will be shot down!

on .

Anaheim illegally placed under martial law!

on .

Shooter’s father was scheduled to testify over LIBOR scandal!

on .

Health insurance mandate faces huge resistance in Oklahoma!

on .

Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution!

on .

Amerikan Gestapo prepares for civil unrest!

on .

Auschwitz-like conditions at FPSA funded hospital covered up by general!

on .

FBI technology to further intrude on privacy and civil liberty!

on .

Surveillance Society: Students to begin wearing mandatory ID cards!

on .

Terrorist insurgents send in special forces to hunt for Qaddafi!

on .

NYPD confirms CIA officer works at department!

on .

Hurricane Irene prompts seven States to declare state of emergency!

on .

MTA may close subway system as powerhouse hurricane approaches!

on .

Terrorists place price on Qaddafi's head!

on .

Afghanistan set to get huge supply of military gear!

on .

Philippines and Vietnam beef up navies in China-coveted areas!

on .

FCC eliminates fairness doctrine!

on .

Wall Street aristocracy received $1.2 trillion from the Fed!

on .

Ron Paul likes his chances in New Hampshire!

on .

Turkey vows more strikes against rebel targets!

on .

France and Germany in power grab!

on .

U.S. and Mexico reach agreement on trucks coming into the country!

on .

Texas governor links Federal Reserve policies with treason!

on .

BATF promotes criminal supervisors of illegal gun operation!

on .

One fifth of UK riot suspects are children!

on .

Appeals court finds health care law unconstitutional!

on .

Prime Minister gives police new powers to deal with rioters!

on .

DHS & FBI create secret watch list database!

on .

London quiet while other cities still plagued by riots!

on .

Chile riot police clash with protesting students!

on .

Economic uncertainty leading to global unrest!

on .

British police face public anger as riots rage!

on .

Vice president's wife arrives at famine zone with 29 cars and two airplanes!

on .

Body scanners causing radiation poisoning among TSA agents!

on .

45,000 Verizon employees strike over drastic cuts to benefits!

on .

Mobs of blacks attack whites at State Fair!

on .

Judge prohibits town from firing officers!

on .

More than 500 detained in Chile student protests!

on .

Mubarak goes on trial while bed-ridden and caged!

on .

Judge allows American to sue Rumsfeld over torture!

on .

Senate panel keeps secret USA PATRIOT Act under wraps!

on .

Super Congress debt reduction has little transparency!

on .

Facial recognition identifies your social security number!

on .

Congress agrees to steal trillions more from the American people!

on .

Super Congress getting even more super powers in debt deal!

on .

New report suggests Obama is a CIA creation!

on .

Last U.S. combat brigade leaves Iraq!

on .

Government seeks illiterates to help with narcotics investigations!

on .

New research shows human mad cow disease may result from surgery!

on .

Uninsured slow to sign up for coverage!

on .

Kalifornia deploys National Guard to Mexico border!

on .

Mexican police to patrol Staten Island!

on .

Afghan civilian deaths spark protest!

on .

Kalifornia puts off 2.9 billion dollars in school and county payments!

on .

Commentary: Obama Gulf swim was faked!

on .

U.S. occupation of Iraq leaves country a total disaster!

on .

U.S. combat brigades still in Iraq!

on .

Senator hit in the face with a pie!

on .

Unfree Amerika: TSA implements more intrusive security procedure!

on .

Federal liars now admit storing checkpoint body scan images!

on .

Officials unveil high-tech ray gun to be installed in county jail!

on .

Court to weigh ban of ObamaCare insurance mandate!

on .

Thousands of bank customer accounts emptied by computer virus!

on .

Blackstone chief likens Obama to Hitler!

on .

Obama promotes Ground Zero mosque at Ramadan dinner!

on .

Michigan voters knock out sixth incumbent!

on .

Judges divided over GPS surveillance!

on .

Ex-Senator dies in plane crash!

on .

Media watchdog bans offensive anti-terror hotline advertisement!

on .

Ahmadinejad unhurt after blast near motorcade!

on .

Anti-mosque ads depicting 9/11 to run on city buses!

on .

Voters reject Obamacare!

on .

Gallup predicts Democrat rout!

on .

Attorney General says officers can check immigration status!

on .

Fired officials committed voter fraud!

on .

Rand Paul says government should not regulate mining!

on .

States fight Obama’s effort to kill legal challenge to unwanted health care law!

on .

Pakistanis like Al Qaeda more than the United States!

on .

Library preparing to close and destroy books!

on .

Ron Paul introduces SEC Transparency Act!

on .

Greater London named speed trap capital of UK!

on .

Cruel and neglectful treatment of a million health care patients exposed!

on .

Pentagon caught lying about journalist profiling!

on .

Health care bill divulges IRS tax data!

on .

Young Guantanamo inmate returns home with tales of torture!

on .

Almost 2,000 veterans wrongly told they had Lou Gehrig's disease!

on .

One third of doctors do not want swine flu vaccination!

on .

Obama keeps Bernanke at Fed!

on .

Millions face shrinking Social Security payments!

on .

Is Obama creating a civil war in Amerika?

on .

Swine flu vaccine may increase the risk of cancer!

on .

Obama hits record low in Zogby poll!

on .

Fake DNA evidence can be planted at crime scenes!

on .

Woman gives birth on pavement!

on .

Thousands quit AARP over health care bill!

on .

White House may drop government run health care!

on .

Top doctor says Canadian health care system is imploding!

on .

Swine flu vaccine linked to killer nerve disease!

on .

Fake Doctor planted by Obama staff to help sell health care reform!

on .

Global warming bill could cost 2.4 million jobs and $1,250 per household!

on .

Congressman says Obamacare is a stinking rotten fish!

on .

Congress cancels jet purchase due to massive opposition!

on .

Preliminary injunction issued to halt mandatory flu vaccinations!

on .

Top general admits that U.S. is losing the war in Afghanistan!

on .

Geithner asks Congress to increase federal debt limit!

on .

Partisan politicians call noisy disruption of health care meetings un-Amerikan!

on .

Senator claims health care protests are being orchestrated!

on .

Palin says Obama's health plan is evil!

on .

Former congressman convicted of corruption!

on .

Obama approval rating sinks to new low!

on .

House orders unneeded elite jets during worst Depression in a century!

on .

White House draws fire for asking citizens to snitch on each other!

on .

Democrats recess looking like a bad trip!

on .

Congress wants to give incompetent FEMA more money and power!

on .

Geithner lashes out at regulators

on .

Obama’s budget a complete disaster!

on .

White House asks public to report people opposed to health care bill!

on .

Daily presidential tracking poll!

on .

Pelosi lashes out at insurance companies!

on .

Both Obama and Chavez are nationalizing private companies!

on .

Illegitimate president and his pals get the best health care for free!

on .

Schwarzenegger likely to veto welfare programs out of necessity!

on .

Conyers sees no reason for House Members to read proposed health care bill!

on .

Nancy Pelosi doesn’t care about lack of popularity!

on .

Stimulus money being spent to repair toilets!

on .

Loan official says senators got mortgage discounts and special treatment!

on .

The Kremlin is furious as U.S. and Poland sign missile deal!

on .

Russia sends aircraft carrier to Syria!

on .

Blackwater guards get target letters preliminary to indictments!

on .

Musharraf resignation expected!

on .

Security officials to scan D.C. area license plates!

on .

Bush protesters get $50,000 state settlement!

on .

More government murder: Man dies after police shoot him repeatedly with Taser!

on .

Ex-police officer indicted in Taser death!

on .

Amerikan Injustice Files: Seven more cops get away with murder!

on .

New York police operation will track EVERYTHING!

on .

Fatal shooting sparks riot!

on .

United States supports genocide by Georgia!

on .

Scientists say invisibility cloak possible!

on .

Act of War: Mexican soldiers enter American state and hold U.S. border agent at gunpoint!

on .

Two more U.S. aircraft carriers headed for Persian Gulf!

on .

White House memo proves that Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine!

on .

Hackers obtain credit card numbers in largest ID theft in history!

on .

State seeks to impose traffic ticket surcharge!

on .

House panel cites Karl Rove for contempt!

on .

Outlaw mayor proposes fines for unsorted trash!

on .

Amerikan Gestapo: Patriot who dared to help illegally imprisoned couple sentenced to 20 years!

on .

Department of [in]Justice asks that wiretap challenges be kept secret!

on .

Pentagon attempted to cover-up KBR negligence in electrocution of U.S. soldier!

on .

United States set to deploy radar systems in Israel!

on .

Senator Stevens indicted for falsely reporting personal payments!

on .

North American Union is dead!

on .

U.S. biofuel plants are going bankrupt on feedstock costs!

on .

House Judiciary impeachment hearing against Bush - NOT!

on .

True story: China bans reincarnation without government permission!

on .

Attorney General Gonzales resigns!

on .

Big Brother is watching: surveillance cameras installed in new elementary schools!

on .

Secret government: White House office that handles Freedom of Information requests is no longer free

on .

Congress’ approval rating at all time low!

on .

Forced conscription: Army chief calls for return of draft!

on .

Chief architect of criminal Bush regime to resign at end of month!

on .

Cheney's neighbors topple his effigy during protest!

on .

Eyewitness says large holes were drilled into concrete supports days before bridge collapse!

on .

Fascist Bush regime says warrantless eavesdropping cannot be questioned!

on .

Bush wants more authority from Congress!

on .

Congress caves to Bush on spy program!

on .

Travelers from U.S. face EU crackdown!

on .

Here come the Mexican airplanes!

on .

U.S. readies tough rules on employers of immigrants!

on .

Firefighters cut hole in wrong house!

on .

Bush sneers at balding reporter!

on .

FBI raids home of Senator Ted Stevens!

on .

Britain will take troops out of Iraq regardless of U.S.

on .

Pentagon announces 20K troops will rotate into Iraq!

on .

U.S. 'loses' 190,000 weapons in Iraq!

on .

Massive ULF blast detected in Minnesota bridge collapse!

on .


Eulogy for an Angel
1992-Dec. 20, 2005


Freedom sm

My Father

brents dad

Dr. Stan Dale

stan dale


L Neil Smith

A. Solzhenitsyn


Patrick McGoohan


Joseph A. Stack

Bill Walsh

Walter Cronkite

Eustace Mullins

Paul Harvey

Don Harkins

Joan Veon

David Nolan

Derry Brownfield

Leroy Schweitzer

Vaclav Havel

Andrew Breitbart

Dick Clark

Bob Chapman

Ray Bradbury

Tommy Cryer

Andy Griffith

Phyllis Diller

Larry Dever

Brian J. Chapman

Annette Funnicello

Margaret Thatcher

Richie Havens

Jack McLamb

James Traficant

jim traficant

Dr. Stan Monteith

stan montieth

Leonard Nimoy

Leonard Nimoy

Stan Solomon

Stan Solomon

B. B. King

BB King

Irwin Schiff

Irwin Schiff


David Bowie

Muhammad Ali

Muhammed Ali


gene wilder

phyllis schlafly

phylis schafly

John Glenn

John Glenn

Charles Weisman

Charles Weisman

Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher

Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds

Roger Moore

Roger Moore

Adam West

Adam West


jerry lewis


Hugh Hefner


Hugh Hefner 


Art Bell


dwight clark


Carl Miller


Harlan Ellison


stan lee


Carl Reiner


dwight clark


L Neil Smith


L Neil Smith