About Brent Johnson

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Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Brent is host of the long running #1 hit freedom talk shows The Voice of Freedom and The Global Freedom Report.

Brent is also the author of The American Sovereign: How to Live Free from Government Regulation, the spiritual book, The Quiet Voice of God, and his newest book, The Pursuit of Happiness: Freedom and the Human Spirit.

For more than 30 years, Brent has had great success in teaching those who want to know practical, genuinely workable methods on how to truly live free from the endless encroachment of Big Brother.  Brent is truly a modern day freedom fighter

Freedom - A Spirit of Peace and Love

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He came to us in September 2005. He was found in a room on a construction site along with three puppy siblings. He was brought home as a gift to me. At the time I was mourning the impending loss of my magnificent cat (see Eulogy for an Angel), so I was unable to bring myself to spiritually bond with another animal. Thus, he bonded with my producer Lee (his Mama). We named him Freedom.

He was part German Shepherd, part Chow, and we believe he was also part wolf. Most of all he was a kind and loving spirit. He loved to take himself for a walk with his Mama.

Freedom03           Freedom42 with leash

Freedom made friends with and loved all different animals. His first best friend was a calf named Babe. They used to run around and play all the time. It was really something special to watch. He grieved when Babe was taken away to a ranch. He quickly made friends with all the dozens of cats on our property. If he chased them it was only to play. He loved little babies. He helped raise some chicks, played with a baby lamb, two baby Chinese geese, some puppies, and numerous cats and kittens.

He was a world traveler. When we left the United States in 2006 to seek out possible refuges for people, he came with us through Mexico, to Guatemala for eight months, and to Panama for 2½ years. He then traveled to New Zealand for 2½ years. He spent his last days on a small South Pacific island, surrounded by those who loved him.

One day while in Panama, we went to get in our truck to go to town when Freedom started barking and he wouldn’t stop. He had never barked so loud and for so long, so we knew he must be trying to tell us something. We ended up finding a tiny kitten sleeping on the truck engine. Had I started the truck I would have killed the kitten. Somehow Freedom knew that. He became best friends with the kitten (Purrdida), who traveled with him over the years.

Freedom and Purrdida07

We left Panama for New Zealand, where I was to work on a movie. However, New Zealand had not animal import treaty with Panama, so we had to send Freedom and Purrdida back to the United States before sending them on to New Zealand. They were placed on a Continental Airlines flight to central Texas. However, due to flight schedules, they had to spend a night in a kennel in Houston, where dogs and cats were kept separate. We called to check up on them and the kennel keeper said she had never seen such a large dog so sad. I suggested she bring Purrdida in with Freedom; she said she couldn’t do that. A few hours later we called check up on them. The kennel keeper said that since nobody else was staying in the kennels, she decided to break the rules and put Purrdida with Freedom. She said she had never seen anything like it. Freedom immediately perked up and currently he and Purrdida were sleeping together peacefully, with the cat resting on the front paws of the dog.

Freedom was a peacemaker. From time to time some of our numerous animals would get into fights with one another. Freedom would go stand between the fighters and bark at each, looking from one to the other, as if telling them to stop fighting.

Freedom loved to run and boy was he fast. I don’t think I have ever seen a dog run faster. He loved going to the dog park in New Zealand, where he would go running around and around and around; once until he strained his leg from so much running.

Freedom was at the birth of many of his Mama’s kittens. He would get the strangest look in his eyes and on his face; he knew they were babies and he was always so very gentle with them. He watched over newborns, regardless of their species.

If you looked at his jaws, you could see how vicious he appeared, yet he was so kind and loving to everyone (except those who tried to hurt the people he loved).

Freedom26 gaping

I was never really a dog person until I met Freedom. There will never be another dog like him; he was one of a kind. His spirit of Peace and Love will be an inspiration to me forever.

Freedom, may you cross the Rainbow Bridge and join with Calle, Yoda and Thunder. May your days be filled with sunshine, love and happiness; and lots of places to run without pain or strain. Run like the wind, Freedom, and wait for your Mama and me. We will see you again, at a time and in a place where we will never again be separated.

Thank you for bringing us such immense joy and love. Thank you for blessing us with your presence these 13 years. We love you and miss you, until we meet again…

PETITION to stop voter disenfranchisement caused by electoral fraud!!

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Dear Patriot,

Thank you for signing the PETITION to urge state legislators in key battleground states to invoke their unique constitutional authority to remedy electoral corruption in the 2020 presidential election by appointing electors for President Donald J. Trump.

We want to get over 1,000,000 signers on this PETITION to have a bigger impact with the state legislators who will receive it, so please forward the PETITION today to friends, family members, church fellows, and others so they will sign it too.  Don’t forget to use social media to ask people to sign.  Find the petition here.

Yours in love for Amerika,

The team at ConservativeHQ.com

P.S.  The PETITION with all signers listed will be sent to GOP state legislators in key battleground states and to President Trump, Attorney General William Barr, and Rudy Giuliani and the Trump legal team.

Sean Connery dies at 90!

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NASSAU, Bahamas (PNN) - October 31, 2020 - Sir Sean Connery has died at the age of 90.

The Scottish actor was best known for his portrayal of James Bond, being the first to bring the role to the big screen and appearing in seven of the spy thrillers.

Sir Sean died peacefully in his sleep in the Bahamas, having been “unwell for some time”, his son said.

His acting career spanned seven decades and he won an Oscar in 1988 for his role in The Untouchables.

Sir Sean's other films included The Hunt for Red October, Highlander, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and The Rock.

Jason Connery said his father “had many of his family who could be in the Bahamas around him” when he died overnight in Nassau. Much of the Bond film Thunderball had been filmed there.

He said, “We are all working at understanding this huge event as it only happened so recently, even though my dad has been unwell for some time. A sad day for all who knew and loved my dad and a sad loss for all people around the world who enjoyed the wonderful gift he had as an actor.”

His publicist, Nancy Seltzer, said, “There will be a private ceremony followed by a memorial yet to be planned once the virus has ended.”

He leaves his wife Micheline and sons Jason and Stephane.

Daniel Craig, the current James Bond, said Sir Sean was “one of the true greats of cinema. Sir Sean Connery will be remembered as Bond and so much more,” he said. “He defined an era and a style. The wit and charm he portrayed on screen could be measured in megawatts; he helped create the modern blockbuster. He will continue to influence actors and film-makers alike for years to come. My thoughts are with his family and loved ones.”

In reference to Sir Sean’s love of golf, he added, “Wherever he is, I hope there is a golf course.”

Dame Shirley Bassey, who sang the themes to three Bond films including Goldfinger, paid tribute, saying, “I'm incredibly saddened to hear of Sean’s passing. My thoughts are with his family. He was a wonderful person, a true gentleman, and we will be forever connected by Bond.”

Sir Sean, from Fountainbridge in Edinburgh, had his first major film appearance in 1957 British gangster film No Road Back.

He first played James Bond in Dr. No in 1962, and went on to appear in five other official films - and the unofficial Never Say Never Again in 1983.

He was largely regarded as being the best actor to have played 007 in the long-running franchise, often being named as such in polls.

Connery made the character of James Bond his own, blending ruthlessness with sardonic wit. Many critics didn't like it and some of the reviews were scathing. But the public did not agree.

The action scenes, sex and exotic locations were a winning formula.

Thankfully, its been a while since 007 slapped a woman on the backside and forced a kiss. But Connery's performance was of its time, enjoyed by millions of both sexes, and gave the silver screen a 20th Century icon.

He was knighted by the Queen at Holyrood Palace in 2000. In August he celebrated his 90th birthday.

Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli said they were “devastated by the news” of his death.

They said, “He was and shall always be remembered as the original James Bond whose indelible entrance into cinema history began when he announced those unforgettable words, ‘the name’s Bond... James Bond’. He revolutionized the world with his gritty and witty portrayal of the sexy and charismatic secret agent. He is undoubtedly largely responsible for the success of the film series and we shall be forever grateful to him.”

Star Wars director George Lucas, who also created the Indiana Jones character, said Sir Sean “left an indelible mark in cinematic history. He will always hold a special place in my heart as Indy’s dad. With an air of intelligent authority and sly sense of comedic mischief, only someone like Sean Connery could render Indiana Jones immediately into boyish regret or relief through a stern fatherly chiding or rejoiceful hug. I’m thankful for having had the good fortune to have known and worked with him. My thoughts are with his family.”

Sir Sean was a long-time supporter of Scottish independence, saying in interviews in the run-up to the 2014 referendum that he might return from his Bahamas home to live in Scotland if it voted to break away from the rest of the Fascist United Kingdom.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said, “I was heartbroken to learn this morning of the passing of Sir Sean Connery. Our nation today mourns one of her best loved sons. Sean was born into a working class Edinburgh family, and through talent and sheer hard work became an international film icon and one of the world’s most accomplished actors. Sean will be remembered best as James Bond - the classic 007 - but his roles were many and varied. He was a global legend but, first and foremost, a patriotic and proud Scot - his towering presence at the opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999 showed his love for the country of his birth. Sean was a lifelong advocate of an independent Scotland, and those of us who share that belief owe him a great debt of gratitude.”

Alex Salmond, former first minister of Scotland, who was close friends with Sir Sean, described him as “the world’s greatest Scot, the last of the real Hollywood stars, the definitive Bond”.

He said, “Sean Connery was all of these things but much more. He was also a staunch patriot, a deep thinker, and outstanding human being.”

He added, “’Scotland Forever’ wasn’t just tattooed on his forearm but was imprinted on his soul.”


Eulogy for an Angel
1992-Dec. 20, 2005


Freedom sm

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